
Enter Enrollment Number :


પરીક્ષાઓ દરમિયાન થતી ગેરરીતિ અંગેની સજાની જોગવાઇઓ

Click Here...Classification Of Malpractices And Punishments

Generate Hall Ticket પર ક્લિક કર્યા બાદ POPUP Blocker Off કરવું જરૂરી છે,

જેથી Hall Ticket નવી Window માં ખુલી શકે.



Please Note:
Enter Your Enrollment Number in the format given below:
Twelve Digit Enrollment Number followed by your programme code
Example: 000000000000B.A. or 000000000000B.com. or 000000000000PGDDE or 000000000000MSO
or 000000000000BLIS or 000000000000CFN and so on
If you are not able to understand, please see your I-Card for Enrollment Number